Want to make your business or district stand out? Talk to us.

Established in 2017 and with offices in Rotterdam and Amsterdam, Zuidas Publishers creates high-end media products for a range of clients. We are an experienced publisher of corporate magazines, glossy magazines and city marketing magazines. To go with these printed publications, we can also supply distinctive online versions for distribution via a link or on your website. RCD Publishers portfolio currently includes RCD Magazine, Hello Zuidas, and General Counsel NL Magazine. In addition to publishing services, RCD Publishers is also specialized in the production of corporate videos. A video is your company’s calling card and there is no better way to get your message out to the world. We help you write the script, supervise the whole filming process and promise a fantastic end result!
What our clients say about us
Olivier Otten
Director Hello Zuidas
“I’ve had the immense pleasure to work with Romy Lange since 2012. She’s a driven publisher and editor-in-chief. Romy doesn’t give up easily. She’s a good ambassador with real commercial instincts. Her company has built up an impressive portfolio and, with its team of editors, photographers and video-makers, I see a bright future ahead for RCD Publishers and Zuidas Publishers.”
Eefje Voogd
Owner Eefje Voogd Makelaardij
“After years of good collaboration on, among other things, Hello Zuidas magazine, through which she’s done a brilliant job of raising the profile of Zuidas in print, via social media and by creating a variety of engaging film productions, Romy did the magazine for our 10th anniversary. It was beautiful to look at and totally on-trend. A magazine that was spot on and just made us so happy! Working with Romy is a blast. She’s ultra-creative, knowledgeable, versatile, always does what she says and on top of that is an all-round lovely person to work with”
Ton Boon
Director Maarsen Groep
"Maarsen Groep has had a great working relationship with Romy Lange for years. This started with the marketing of major commercial and residential projects in Zuidas including NoMA House, Gershwin Brothers and recently also Hourglass. Romy has an infallible marketing sense, is a go-getter and always gets the tone of voice just right. I look forward to continuing to work together on further developments in Rotterdam Central District and have no doubt Romy will be a success here, too."
Thomas van Splunteren
Director De Hypotheker Zuidas
"Romy is a keen entrepreneur and her enthusiasm is infectious. She’s also a pro and that shines through in how she and her team work. Working with Romy and her team is always pleasant and professional!"
Petra van Hilst
Founder General Counsel Netherlands
“RCD Publishers is a professional and flexible firm and we like working with them! They think in solutions, are creative and delivers on its agreements. They’re an enduring, reliable partner for us.”
Harm Bavinck
Director Firm24
"Firm24 is a platform that is used by entrepreneurs to purchase business services. To bring the platform to the attention of the entrepreneur's adviser, we have developed a magazine together with Zuidas and RCD Publishers and distributed it to no less than 20.000 consultancy firms. Together with the Zuidas Publishers team, we completed the design, content and all other tasks in a few months. The final magazine was delivered and sent in no less than three months. For us, the result of this action is to increase the brand awareness of the Firm24 platform within the target group."
Eva Valkhoff
Head of Marketing Corporate Housing Factory
"I got to know Romy through Hello Zuidas when I started at Corporate Housing Factory and ServicedApartments.nl as Marketing Manager about seven years ago. Zuidas Publishers and RCD Publishers were born soon after and they have meant a lot to us throughout the years: from advertisements and great interviews to publishing our own magazine when we existed five years. This year we celebrate our tenth anniversary and after the huge success of the previous edition, we are now shaping a new issue. It is wonderful to work with Romy (and her team)! She knows how to get something done, strikes the right chord and, in addition to being very personal, is always super professional."
Rob Ittmann
Projectmanager Horeca bij Gemeente Rotterdam
"Om het gebiedsmanagement van het Rotterdam Central District te professionaliseren en de zichtbaarheid van het gebied te vergroten zijn we in samenwerking met RCD Publishers het RCD Magazine gestart in 2020. Romy liet op de Zuidas al jaren zien dat kunstje goed te beheersen dus we waren dolblij dat zij bereid was om de stap naar Rotterdam te wagen. Inmiddels zijn we tien edities verder en is het magazine niet meer weg te denken uit het RCD."
Who are we?
About RCD Publishers
After working at a media and communications agency for five years, Romy Lange decided to strike out on her own and launched RCD Publishers and Zuidas Publishers. Since 2021 she has been editor-in-chief of the English-language magazine RCD Publishers and since 2012 she has been editor-in-chief of the English-language magazine Hello Zuidas and General Counsel NL Magazine. Romy also does projects for a variety of other clients. Working with her fantastic pool of experienced editors, designers, photographers and translators, every day is devoted to making the finest magazines and media products. Zuidas Publishers is a flexible partner, so the possibilities are vast, and we’ll gladly tackle any idea.
What we can do for you
Bedrijfsvideo & Fotografie
City Marketing
Corporate & Real Estate Communication
What’s hot and happening

New Editor-in-chief: Céline Boute!
Met veel trots stellen we Céline Boute voor als de nieuwe Editor-in-chief van het RCD Publishers magazine! Voorheen een freelanceschrijver en vervolgens managing editor, is

CIC Rotterdam’s annual impact report: We released twice in 2021/20221!
Met trots presenteren wij het jaarlijkse impact magazine voor CIC Rotterdam (Cambridge Innovation Center), gehuisvest in het iconische Groothandelsgebouw in Rotterdam. Als hun creatieve partner

New Editor-in-chief: Céline Boute!
Met veel trots stellen we Céline Boute voor als de nieuwe Editor-in-chief van het RCD Publishers magazine! Voorheen een freelanceschrijver en vervolgens managing editor, is

CIC Rotterdam’s annual impact report: We released twice in 2021/20221!
Met trots presenteren wij het jaarlijkse impact magazine voor CIC Rotterdam (Cambridge Innovation Center), gehuisvest in het iconische Groothandelsgebouw in Rotterdam. Als hun creatieve partner